A Technology Research and Development of the Company Was Listed in the Promotion Project by the Department of Ecological and Environment of Hebei Province

2/26/2021 1:29:57 PM

Recently, the company's technology research and development project " new red mud polymer materials " was listed in the "low carbon technology promotion catalogue of Hebei Province (2020)" by the Department of Ecological and Environment of Hebei Province. This project is based on the development and utilization of solid waste, reduce carbon emissions, and solve the natural hazards caused by red mud stacking and storage. Through the application, defense, expert query and other sections, the research was finally recognized and promoted by the Department of Ecological and Environment of Hebei Province. This is the first time that our company cooperates with the Department of Ecological and Environment of Hebei Province, reflecting the innovative concept of inter-professional development of technological innovation, which will open up new ideas for the majority of technical personnel in the field of technological innovation and play a positive role in realizing the company's scientific and technological innovation development strategy.

Add:NO.555 Huaian Road(west),Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Prov. P.C.:0502271   Tel:0311-66723100 66723200 Fax:0311-66723277  
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